BUBBLE MANIPS (like the shiba ones on my profile)
Started By

Rinu's Famous Bubble Manips

It seems like I have already sold about 70k's worth of these little manipulations without this thread being up and open. Since there has been a good demand for this sort of thing from me I have decided to keep on making a profit from it to support my kennel and account.<
Each one will be 10k (10,000 ala cash) and I would be glad if you would buy them in pairs that cost only 20k (20,000 ala cash) as it would be even better and the best things come in pairs.....
Or is that threes? Haha!
Three would cost 30k, four would cost 40k, and so on. You may buy as much as you like because I am in no true rush and will get them done all the same. The money should only be sent to me once I have sent all of the manips or I may get confused and accidentally mess up the pricing or something.



Other Details

There is no form to fill out because that would probably waste a lot of your precious time. Instead, just put below which dog you want to be featured and any colors, text, or fonts you would like me to try. I use Gimp 2.8 by the way so some may or may not be available. Please do not be disturbed or angry if I improvise when needed.
These make great dog ad banners, description listing (studs, bitch leasing, etc), and even "dream custom" thingies that show off the dog before you even get it!

01-24-2013 at 3:29 PM
<img src=http://i50.tinypic.com/n4y0si.png alt= /><br /> Here.

01-24-2013 at 3:24 PM
Okay :)

01-24-2013 at 3:09 PM
can you do the one of my profile? I will pay you 10k! His name is Fuzzy his a custom


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